WHITE PAPER: How Will the Business of Healthcare Change in 2024

Our Leadership Team Predicts Major Shifts in Technology, Labor Costs, and Consumerism.


This past year showed us healthcare consumers have more care options than ever before. However, we have learned not all options are the most convenient, appropriate, or cost-effective for every individual. Additionally, hospitals and health systems are dealing with overcrowding and high-volume patient loads following spikes of COVID-19, the flu, and RSV.

With a close pulse on industry trends and supporting one-third of Americans through their health plan, provider, or pharmacy, Carenet Health experts identified areas across the system that will improve the business of healthcare by optimizing revenues, improving care access, and streamlining the patient and member experience.

Our leaders share how to route healthcare consumers to the best-fit care option, utilize technology in an empathetic and meaningful way, and simultaneously strengthen revenue and deliver better health outcomes.